All SEAN courses seek to help people grow in their faith and to encourage them to apply what they learn in the mission and ministry of the church. We focus on equipping disciples as followers of Jesus Christ in this world who can pass on what they have learned to others and so take on leadership within their own churches at various levels. Our courses therefore combine study of the content of our faith with practical skills that are helpful for the growth of the church.
Evangelism and Discipleship
This leaflet has been designed to help present the message of the gospel to people who show an interest; it is not for general distribution and without dialogue.
This is a course and important aid for leaders of Bible Study Groups as a means of evangelism and discipleship.
Basic Teaching For New Believers
ABUNDANT LIFE...also known as "Life to the Full" A self-study course, which uses programmed instruction so that students can do the lessons alone at home.
Also known as: ABUNDANT LIGHT and PURE GOLD. The Big Picture gives an excellent grounding in an overall knowledge and understanding of all the books of the Bible and how they fit together to give us a wonderful picture of God's plan for mankind.
A self-study course of 30 practical and devotional lessons from the letter of Paul to the Ephesians.
As with all SEAN courses, this is a home study course complemented by group meetings led by a Study Group Leader with the corresponding Manual.
Foundation Courses For Workers and Leaders
Index for the Life of Christ course.
Please click on the button below for a free Index of the contents of the Life of Christ course.
Note: Our courses have been updated since this Index was created so there may be some slight differences between the Index and the course materials
This 6 book course is the main work of SEAN and is an integral training course for Christian workers based on the life of Jesus Christ according to the Gospel of Matthew and The Acts of the Apostles.
Book 2 of a compendium of pastoral theology, based on the Life of Christ from the Gospel of Matthew (150 lessons in 6 books). This course is a 2 to 3 year basic and integrated programme to prepare Christian workers and leaders.
Book 3 of a compendium of pastoral theology, based on the Life of Christ from the Gospel of Matthew (150 lessons in 6 books). This course is a 2 to 3 year basic and integrated programme to prepare Christian workers and leaders.
Analyses the third year of the ministry of Jesus (Year of Passion). Deals with the doctrine of man, sin, death, correct and false concepts about the human body (transfiguration) and the spirit (spiritism), including practical matters such as: human relations, sex, marriage, family, possessions and ambition.
Analyses and studies the events and teachings of the last week, day by day, including the Olivet Sermon and the eschatology and the Sermon in the Upper Room (John 13-17), the trials and the crucifixion.
Deals with the Resurrection and its proofs, the Ascension and Exaltation of the Lord, the Great Commission and how this was put into practice by the early church.
The life of the apostle Paul in detail from childhood to the end of his first missionary journey.
Covers the events of the second missionary journey and provides Bible studies on the main themes of 1 and 2 Thessalonians and Philippians.
Focuses on Paul's third missionary journey, his imprisonment and death and contains Bible studies on selected topics in his letters to the Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon, Corinthians and Romans.
Book 1 "ABRAHAM, HIS FAMILY AND THE MESSIAH" contains 36 lessons and can be completed in 12 weeks.
Book 2 "MOSES, THE LAW AND THE MESSIAH" also has 36 lessons and can be completed in 12 weeks.
Practical Courses
A practical course to train Christian workers in the basic principles of hermeneutics and homiletics.
A theoretical and practical course which, in four weeks, shows how to prepare and lead lively, ordered and Biblical congregational worship.
"Feed my lambs" is a complete basic theoretical - practical training course for Children's Church or Sunday School teachers.
Mission, Mercy and Me is a brief, practical course to help students to correctly understand the Gospel and the importance of proclamation by word and deed.
Sets out the Biblical and ethical principles for work. It shows how work is a blessing from God and teaches how to do it to honour the Creator and serve others.
Advanced Courses
Jeremiah is the most advanced SEAN course. It is designed to be accessible, but is not for beginners as it requires a great deal from the student.
Welcome to our study of the important and intriguing Epistle to the Hebrews. Important, because it is one of the New Testament writings with most doctrinal content. The Epistle is a powerful doctrinal presentation which exhorts the readers to trust in Jesus Christ above everything else, for there is nothing and no one better than him.